Hits: 63409

Christian Life

Christian Life
  • Sermon Count: 347
  • Total Downloads: 151676
Hits: 975

Trading God for Goodness

Do you think you are a good, moral person? Romans chapter two has seven universal principles of how God judges men. We will all die and face judgment. Download
Hits: 1040

Visions for the Coming Year

Vision is all about seeing ahead and developing a plan. Where am I going? Am I on the right path? What are the things God wants from us? In the end we must all give account for how we live out our time. Download
Hits: 903

Fool's Gold

Reevaluate your life. Think of your future, and think of your retirement (in heaven). Are you spending all your resources on this temporal ride called life, or will you save some for your destination? Download
Hits: 997

Us, the Threefold Cord, and Christ

A Christian connected to God with a three-stranded cord Download