• Preachers
Hits: 10843

Law & Grace

Law & Grace
  • Sermon Count: 61
  • Total Downloads: 25865
Hits: 1084

The Transfiguration of Christ

An examination of the transfiguration account as it represents the transition from the law and prophets to Jesus alone. Numerous texts are used to show that Jesus is God's Prophet and that we are to hear His Word and to tabernacle with Him alone. Download
Hits: 965

Legalism, Its Fruits, and the True Grace of God

Are you a legalist? Some people use a sliding scale of legalism versus liberalism. Find out who the real legalists are and what God thinks about it. Download
Hits: 893

The Law and the Commandments

We have not understood the absoluteness of the moral requirements of God, nor are we emphatic about performing them by the grace that God Himself is only too willing to give. Download
Hits: 1169

Chopping Wood For Father

Pastor Conlon delivers an extremely personal mesage, where he speaks about his attempts as a teen to gain the favour and love of his own father. He goes on to show how this is in the mentality of many christains that think they can work the're way into th Download