Hits: 14230


  • Sermon Count: 22
  • Total Downloads: 16983
Hits: 1732

Salvation is by revelation

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. However if you are disobedient to the truth God speaks to you, hearing His truth profits you nothing. When the wise men enquired where the Christ was to be born, the scribes and pharisees told them correctly that it Download
Hits: 1676

Salvation is Revelation

Salvation includes more than the convincing of the mind, it is also revelation by the Holy Spirit. In I John 5:10 we read what ought to be our testimony: "He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness within himself." Download
Hits: 4873

So Great Salvation

A full view of all that has been provided for us by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Download
Hits: 1600

The Voice of the Lost

oul finally realizing his irreversible predicament. Even in hell, he tried to reach out to others so they wouldn’t share his unspeakable fate. Dr. Tozer uses the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man to illustrate the Truth that a person’s final destinati Download
Hits: 1654

The Voice of the Saved

What is the difference between being lost and being damned? Though the answer may surprise you, it is nevertheless obvious. And who are the voices of the saved? They are the voices of the redeemed – the victorious and the faithful – who cry out to all Download
Hits: 1871

The Voice of the Soul

The Parable of the Rich Fool illustrates the inestimable worth of the soul as compared to everything else. Dr. Tozer uses Our Lord’s story to warn of covetness. It is the voice of the soul which cries out, “Don’t be so concerned with the things of t Download
Hits: 1707

What Is It To Accept Jesus

Tozer speaks to the Evangelical church of his day about terms and methods used in salvation. Focusing on the phrase 'to accept Jesus' that is loosely thrown around in our circles. Download