Hits: 14404


  • Sermon Count: 29
  • Total Downloads: 15674
Hits: 1503

To God be Glory in the Church

If Gods people will not be radically sacred, the world will be radically profane. A trumpet call. Download
Hits: 1872

The Journey From Prayer To Obedience

(Preached: Feb. 8th, 2004). In a place of complacency, the enemy rose up to try to destroy God's people. After the captivity in Babylon, many of Israel had grown comfortable and stayed, rather than returning. Mixture in the world gives the enemy room to r Download
Hits: 1625

New Life Baptist Church - Part 1

In this first message, Paul takes us deeply into these verses in Romans. Learn, in depth, the meaning behind such words as justified, redemption, sacrifice and propitiation. These definitions will enrich your Christianity and humble you even more before y Download
Hits: 1623

New Life Baptist Church - Part 2

Speaking mostly to young people, Paul addresses a variety of issues. He encourages them to be separate from the world, to seek and to know the Lord, and to build their lives on the perceptive will of God as is found in the Word. He then finishes with a co Download
Hits: 1661

New Life Baptist Church - Part 3

In this message, Paul confronts the listener with many of the false doctrines found in American Christianity today. By taking us through the tests in 1 John, he helps us examine our choices and lifestyle. Do we look and act like the world around us or are Download
Hits: 1558

New Life Baptist Church - Part 4

By taking us through the prophecies in the Old Testament, we see the riches of the New Covenant promises that are found there. To counter some false teachings, Paul teaches us how it is the great "I AM" who is sovereign in a believer's life, who completes Download
Hits: 1494

New Life Baptist Church - Part 5

This is an important message for any father who desires to bring his children up in the ways of the Lord. Encouraging, yet challenging, Paul advises the listener to examine the Word of God and what it says about biblical manhood and how it applys to being Download
Hits: 1599

New Life Baptist Church - Part 6

Are you willing to open yourself up to Godly correction and rebuke? Paul re-examines a popular passage of Scripture on the Lord's discipline. Open your ears to learn how the greatest blessing a child of God can receive is the loving discipline from our Lo Download
Hits: 1508

New Life Baptist Church - Part 7

In this message, Paul deeply explores marriage and how God intends it as yet another method in conforming us to the image of His Son. He brings a freshness to this subject and the controversial debates that whirl around some Scriptures. A must for everyon Download
Hits: 1816

New Life Baptist Church - Part 8

To quote Leonard Ravenhill: "The world is not looking for a new definition of Christianity, but a new demonstration of Christianity." Building on this point, Paul expands on the teachings of Jesus and what the basic characteristics of discipleship is all Download