Hits: 43066


  • Sermon Count: 183
  • Total Downloads: 87519
Hits: 1632

The Epistle Of James

This tape is basically the same message as #2469. Download
Hits: 1476

The Resurrection and the Last Day

This message takes a look at the Resurrection in the Old and New Testaments. It touches on eschatology, but is more about the importance of what the Christian believes about the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Download
Hits: 1679

Love in Action

This message exposes partiality for what it is, and clearly portrays the dynamic relationship between faith and works. Works flow from a heart of faith and love! Is your faith working? Download
Hits: 1761

A Few Practical Tests of Faith

This message gives a glimpse at a few practical truths from James: including faith, riches, the brevity of life, waiting for Christ's return, living openly and honestly, and the prayer of faith. Download