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Hits: 3242

Divorce & Remarriage

Divorce & Remarriage
  • Sermon Count: 9
  • Total Downloads: 5402
Hits: 1433

The Permanency Of Marriage

Many scriptures are clearly given showing the sin of divorce and remarriage, and the seriousness of breaking the marriage covenant Download
Hits: 1147

He Made Them One

There is something supernatural that takes place when an unmarried man and unmarried woman are joined together in matrimony. God joins them together, to be parted only by death. This message examines the biblical definition of marriage. Download
Hits: 1325

Let Not Man Put Asunder

God hates divorce. Jesus taught that this is a heart issue, raising it to a higher standard than the Old Testament law. A person's first marriage is binding for life, and subsequent relationships are adultery. Download
Hits: 1268

God's Faithfulness Through Divorce & Remaining Single

Three ladies share their testimonies of God's faithfulness and grace which He showed to them through the time of their divorces and the years following. Though the way was painful and lonely, God brought healing and peace to each of their hearts. Download