• Preachers
Hits: 16101

Historical Teaching

Historical Teaching
  • Sermon Count: 61
  • Total Downloads: 31682
Hits: 1408

The Rise of Anabaptism

A study of their prophetic dissent with the reformers Download
Hits: 1491


The two-world view of anabaptism with its call to Discipleship Download
Hits: 1335

Liberty Of Conscience

A bible answer to the twin threats of individualism on one Hand and of monolithic coercion on the other. Download
Hits: 1950

(Becoming a Prophetic Church) 2. Jewish Unbelief

The messages by Art Katz under the general heading 'Becoming a Prophetic Church' is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. The radical Christian testimony needed to provoke the Jew Download
Hits: 1364

Beyond Culture

A radio interview message, especially directed to Native Americans, in which Art sets forth a reality, call and purpose beyond their own cultural identification. Download
Hits: 1326

Christ in the Jewish Passover

A rich study and explanation of the traditional Jewish Passover revealing Christ hidden in the many practices known to Orthodox Jews throughout the ages. It will enhance every believer's appreciation of communion as well as open their understanding about Download