• Preachers
Hits: 11580


  • Sermon Count: 68
  • Total Downloads: 28506
Hits: 1468

Persecution, Affliction, And Tribulation

This tape is basically the same message as #2786. Download
Hits: 1184

The Triumphant Church in China

In spite of the intense persecution in China, the church there is vibrant and growing rapidly. Paul Hattaway, from Asia Harvest in Thailand, shares several examples of how God is using marvelous, even miraculous ways to build His Kingdom. Download
Hits: 1584

Beginning to Sink

Mr Redpath confirms the difference between a joyous christian experience(in Christ), and the life of the unhappy Christian(still holding to self). But through it all, Jesus waits for us to say,"Lord save me!" Mr Redpath also speaks of his own struggles wi Download
Hits: 1154

K-513 Theology of Exile (1 of 2)

An examination of the biblical grounds for Israels previous exiles and dispersions into the nations in the purposes of God. Art insists that the same conditions are existing for a yet future exile. A 1994 message. Download
Hits: 1410


An especially poignant, searching examination of a great theme of the Church that is the very issue of the church as the Church of the end time! Martyrdom is quite a neglected subject that is preached on in Christian circles sadly these days. Download
Hits: 166

The Fire of God

A powerful cry of God to sound the trumpet call of repentance in the light of His soon coming judgment. Drawn from Elijahs invoking fire from heaven. Download