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Hits: 12111


  • Sermon Count: 72
  • Total Downloads: 29330
Hits: 1344

Effectual, Prevailing Prayer

God is calling men to pray like Elijah prayed in order to win the battle against the forces of darkness. We are admonished to pray hot and fervent prayers which the Scripture promises are effectual with God. Download
Hits: 1276

Prayer Changes Things

What a simple phrase: prayer changes things. How trite this sounds. But mountains have moved, winds have altered course, fogs have lifted, and fires have been quenched because prayer changes things! Download
Hits: 1488

Enduring Prayer Warriors

In our youth we must learn to be enduring prayer warriors. There will be times when we feel like quitting, but God calls us to persevere in prayer. Bring your body under subjection. God will then be able to use you! Download
Hits: 1182

Exhortation on Prayer

This message is an expository teaching on I Timothy 2 exhorting us to prayer. Brother Joe asks the question, Download
Hits: 1782

Let Us Pray

Conclusion of the study of James. When praying for the sick we need to pray in faith expecting an answer, with a surrendered heart for the will of God to be done. To summarize the book of James is to define true faith. Download
Hits: 1388

Principles for the Anointed Prayer Life

God would like to lay the burdens of prayer upon our hearts. Are we broken and totally surrendered to Him? God needs a vessel that he can flow through unhindered. Download