• Preachers
Hits: 2961

The Gospel

The Gospel
  • Sermon Count: 11
  • Total Downloads: 5594
Hits: 1317

Beyond Categories

How far will we allow God draw us out into a place where the ultimate revelation of Himself and His truth is? If we cling to our 'œbiblical correctness,' and the security of it, we will always fall short of that place of glory. Art probes the 'œspiritual Download
Hits: 1240

Confrontation with the Living God

Many men enjoy calling themselves truth-seekers, but a confrontation with Truth reveals the deep insincerity of the human heart. Download
Hits: 1191

The Written Judgment Of God

This message is especially for people who are tormented by past experiences and failures. Carter uses Mark 5, where the word speaks of the man who cuts himself, in a word picture that describes someone whose thinking cant get free from the past. Carter al Download
Hits: 1603

Contending for the Faith

Chapel service at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. The message is part of the "Ever Loving Truth" series on Cultural Apologetics. Download