• Preachers
Hits: 2061

John Wesley

John Wesley
  • Sermon Count: 3
  • Total Downloads: 1516

Name Description Series Category Files Downloads Hits
Salvation by Faith (reading) We often speak of salvation by faith, but what does that really mean? In this convicting sermon on Ephesians 2:8, Mr. Wesley brings new light to a familiar topic. Audio Books Reading Download
Self Denial (reading) Mr. Wesley examines our Lord's command for each of us to "deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." This is a great sermon that sets out to expand our understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ. WARNING: If you're content t Audio Books Reading Download
The Almost Christian (reading) What does it mean to truly be a Christian? In a day when so many claim to be Christians, yet live contrary lifestyles, this sermon is as timely as ever. Acts 26:28 Audio Books Reading Download