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Hits: 2276

Abrahamic Faith

Abrahamic Faith
  • Sermon Count: 3
  • Total Downloads: 1583
Hits: 1413

The Abrahamic Faith (1 of 2)

An in-depth study from Genesis 15 of Abraham's faith that had its birthing in a vision. God's whole theocratic design for creation rested on one man's ability to hear a voice and respond. All nations would be affected by his obedience, and as Art points o Download
Hits: 1143

The Abrahamic Faith (2 of 2)

An in-depth study from Genesis 15 of Abraham's faith that had its birthing in a vision. God's whole theocratic design for creation rested on one man's ability to hear a voice and respond. All nations would be affected by his obedience, and as Art points o Download