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Book Of Revelation

Book Of Revelation
  • Sermon Count: 16
  • Total Downloads: 6195
Hits: 1072

(Revelation - Part 1): John Saw Further In All Directions

John saw further from his island prison than any other man in history A quick summary of the things John saw A contrast of being omnipresent with being ubiquitous Everything good has been a cause of contention The vocabulary used in Revelation matches the Download
Hits: 872

(Revelation - Part 10): The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The vain hope of peace on Earth Patience: the power to wait The rider on the white horse rules by duplicity The rider on the red horse brings war Our pampered opulence will be our downfall Pray for leaders. Download
Hits: 1026

(Revelation - Part 11): The Souls Under the Alter - Who They Are

The altar of martyred souls The fallacy of soul-sleep Four states of a ransomed man: lost on earth, saved on earth, waiting in heaven, glorified in heaven The men who thought they could control things will someday cry out for the rocks to fall on them Who Download
Hits: 1005

(Revelation - Part 12): Who Are The 144,000

The four corners of the earth The characteristics of angels Materialism Believing in belief in the supernatural rather than believing in the supernatural We own nothing Difference in degrees in heavenly life Who are the 144,000? Christian cultists Our rel Download
Hits: 1010

(Revelation - Part 13): When the Seven Trumpets Sound

The outcome of all things will be determined by the prayers of the saints God speaks in many ways but sinning men are not listening Too much vain preaching causes truth to be treated callously Will we hear the trumpet if we cannot hear the still small voi Download
Hits: 988

(Revelation - Part 14): Invaders From Other Worlds

Spiritual creatures from another world move in on our world The world is essentially spiritual We focus too much on the physical and ignore the spirit Death is not the worst thing that can happen to a man Failing God is the worst thing that can happen to Download
Hits: 999

(Revelation - Part 15): The Mighty Angel and The Little Book

God does not forget His promises Everybody ought to read Church history and the biographies of the saints While grace is still operative there will be no end to the human race God is going to judge a world that is ill prepared for judgment You might get a Download
Hits: 995

(Revelation - Part 16): The Sweet and Bitter Book

Gods Word is bitter to the flesh: people who live by it come to trouble in the world We ought not pity people who suffer from the results of sin'”our suffering is our own fault If we were in Heaven truth would be universally sweet, but since we are not, i Download
Hits: 931

(Revelation - Part 2): A Prognosis of Events

Without prophecy, modern Christianity would be in pretty bad shape Revelation is the disclosing of that which could not otherwise be known How curiosity comes near to blasphemy No secret key to understanding the Scriptures Merely knowing the Scriptures pr Download
Hits: 1109

(Revelation - Part 4): To the Seven Churches

The essence of Christianity The eternal God as seen from mans perspective The seven-fold Spirit as revealed in Isaiah The illumination of the Holy Spirit more beneficial than scholastic learning Jesus Christ is prophet, priest, and king Grace to us, glory Download
Hits: 1102

(Revelation - Part 6): Reign of Christ a Divine Imperative

Three doctrines of the end The king must be a native of the earth The king must have unspotted holiness The king must have unchallenged right to reign The failings of earthly leaders Jesus is compassionate enough to rule Jesus is wise enough to rule Jesus Download
Hits: 972

(Revelation - Part 7): The Rainbow Round the Throne

Difficulties in describing the indescribable Two substances in the universe: God and His handiwork The symbols for God ought not be confused with God Himself Judgment comes according to the light a people has received When you love someone, you can never Download
Hits: 1176

(Revelation - Part 8): Book With Seven Seals

Differing opinions about the book The ownership of the world is challenged Several types of men who have failed in their attempts to prove ownership over the world God blesses the man with tears in his eyes Politics cannot solve our problems. Download
Hits: 1178

(Revelation - Part 9): The Lamb Turned Lion

The lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed Jesus is Victor! The lion is a lamb Jesus defeated His enemies by dying for them The law of the jungle is the law of sin and death Man conquers by spilling the blood of his enemies, while Christ conquered by sh Download