• Preachers
Hits: 1788


  • Sermon Count: 13
  • Total Downloads: 6087
Hits: 1077

K-484 Discipleship

Art defines discipleship as a continual dependency on God for all of life, as being the answer to the needs of a world that is spiraling downwards. A 1973 message. Download
Hits: 1372

The Cost of Discipleship

"95% of the Christians in America said they were one of two things: Either 'I am carnal' (a carnal christian) or number two 'I'm a babe in Christ'" Ravenhill preached his heart out to birth this sermon. I encourage you to watch the video. You can almost h Download
Hits: 1094

Are You A True Disciple? (Faith Bible Church)

After explaining what it really means to receive Christ, and to believe on his name, Paul Washer expounds an assortment of scriptures to show what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, and what are the evidences of being a true disciple. He warns tho Download
Hits: 1120

As You Go, Make Disciples

Paul Washer expounds '˜The Great Commission, starting with four statements about the churchs obligation and authority under this commission. He then considers the men who first received this commission, and the necessity of their transformation at Penteco Download
Hits: 1478

Jesus Never Comes Next

In true Vance Havner fashion, he cuts to the chase quickly and does not mince words. It is refreshing to hear this kind of preaching where the listener does not have to second guess what the preacher means. His passion for souls and his love for Jesus is Download
Hits: 227

The cost of discipleship

Many people want to follow the Lord Jesus but they don't realise that it means complete commitment and denying yourself. A very bright, young man applied to teach at a Bible College. He had done very well in his studies. The director gave him pruning shea Download