• Preachers
Hits: 1905

False Prophets

False Prophets
  • Sermon Count: 3
  • Total Downloads: 1792
Hits: 1918

(The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy) Against False Prophets

We read in the book of Jeremiah severe warnings and an outcry against prophets who have gone astray and lead God's people along with them in their web of deceit. The greatest malady in the Church today is the lack of the fear of God. May we examine oursel Download
Hits: 1235

K-490 False Prophets of the Last Days

Another classic instructive message on the danger of false prophets in the last days, and how they can be recognize and discerned. A 1994 message. Download
Hits: 1228

True and False Prophets - Part 1

A two tape series spoken at a prophetic conference in March 2000. Art attempts to define the characteristic differences between the false and the true especially in the light of the recent 'popularity' of this calling. Download