• Preachers
Hits: 2369

God's Love

God's Love
  • Sermon Count: 10
  • Total Downloads: 8535
Hits: 1689

Sing Praises with Understanding

June 26, 2005 - When the songs we sing to Jesus are infused with understanding and faith there is a spiritual transformation that happens in Gods people. The devil is not afraid of songs but when praise arises from an understanding mind and a believing he Download
Hits: 1981

(Missions Conference Shoals) - Part 5

Here Paul reiterates God's love for the believer. He shows us how we are not only saved by His sacrifice, but we've been given His very Life, His righteousness. He also admonishes us to guard our hearts from the world, for we are zealously and purely love Download
Hits: 1813

(Missions Conference Shoals) - Part 6

Paul continues his teachings on God's love, but with an emphasis on our response. He teaches how God has chosen us to be a revelation to His creation of His love and glory. How precious our relationship is to Him. Are you passionately in love with Him? Ar Download
Hits: 1755

You Are Dearly Loved By God

An indepth look into the passages in the Song of Solomon. Paul explores the richness of the Bridegroom's love for His Bride and gives us the challenge of what our response should be. A message of true freedom and deep rest that needs to be listened to aga Download
Hits: 1694

You Are Dearly Loved By God (clip)

An indepth look into the passages in the Song of Solomon. Paul explores the richness of the Bridegroom's love for His Bride and gives us the challenge of what our response should be. A message of true freedom and deep rest that needs to be listened to aga Download