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Hits: 1651

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ
  • Sermon Count: 18
  • Total Downloads: 7544
Hits: 1109

Fresh revelation of Jesus Christ - Part 1

Ravenhill turns our eyes back to Jesus for a fresh revelation because it is Christ who can be the only foundation for the Christian life. Our confidence must come from Him alone and not from anything that WE have done. His questions like "Lord have you be Download
Hits: 1136

Fresh revelation of Jesus Christ - Part 2

Ravenhill turns our eyes back to Jesus for a fresh revelation because it is Christ who can be the only foundation for the Christian life. Our confidence must come from Him alone and not from anything that WE have done. His questions like "Lord have you be Download
Hits: 1287

The Red Heifer

When we sin, fellowship with God is broken, prayers go unanswered and we fall into the chastening hand of God. The good news is that God has made provision through Jesus Christ. Download
Hits: 1172

(True Disciple Conference) Come to Me - Isaiah 55

God has been speaking, through Isaiah, to a wicked and sinful nation languishing under the effects of a sentence of condemnation. But now a message of hope appears, an invitation to come to Him, to eat and drink of Him extended to those who have no means Download