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  • Sermon Count: 8
  • Total Downloads: 3833
Hits: 1566

(Biblical Manhood) -evening banquet

In this, the second of two meetings devoted to studying Biblical courtship, Paul Washer exposes the destructive nature of '˜recreational dating, and explains why parents should protect childhood innocence. He explains both the timing and the principles of Download
Hits: 1570

(Biblical Manhood) -morning brunch

In this, the first of two meetings devoted to studying Biblical courtship, Paul Washer uses several scripture passages to lay the foundations for his teaching. He explains why courtship cannot be considered in isolation from the rest of family life, and g Download
Hits: 1318

Be a Man (At Home and At Church)

All men, even Christians, are so influenced by the culture we live in, that we say and do many things that are not Biblical, without even realising it. Paul Washer begins his exhortations by dealing with the speculations (AV = '˜imaginations) which must b Download