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  • Sermon Count: 16
  • Total Downloads: 6568
Hits: 1292

(1 Peter - Part 12): As Obedient Children

This lesson is on the necessity of obedience in a Christian life. Also how as Christians following God we can be much happier than not following God. Download
Hits: 1181

Breaking The Heart Of Obedience

January 10, 2010 - Have you ever asked yourself why do things have to change? We are all resistant to change especially when it involves what we perceive to be hardship or loss to ourselves or someone we love. There is nothing in us that wants to gravitat Download
Hits: 1051

The Joy of Preaching Your Own Funeral

Before we surrendered our lives to Christ we were dead in our sin. The only way to be free from this sin is to die to our old way of living. Jesus Christ died for us and when we came to Christ we were baptized in this death. The Bible says, "he that is de Download
Hits: 1030

When Prayer Touches Glory

There is a real spiritual battle when a Christian tries to pray. Even the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. As they listened to the Lord pray to his Father, something stirred them about how Jesus prayed, the intimacy Jesus had with the Fath Download
Hits: 1169

Faith, love and obedience

What is believing? James tells us that the demons also believe in God, but they tremble and shake. James continue to say that unless you continue to show by your life that you have the true faith, your faith is worthless. Faith is directional in a Person. Download
Hits: 1237

Christ Magnified In Our Bodies

Asked why he was used of the Lord so greatly in China, Hudson Taylor replied, 'God had looked long for a man weak enough, and He found me.' He takes the weak things of the world to confound the mighty. Spiritual wisdom does not come with years neither doe Download
Hits: 1104

Faith Obeys (3 of 4)

We believe that these messages truly flesh out what is meant by the phrase, 'We walk by faith, not by sight.' Because 'faith' is so easily misunderstood this is a much needed truth. Download