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  • Sermon Count: 8
  • Total Downloads: 3574
Hits: 1275

Wilderness Testing

Art examines the purpose behind Gods bringing His people through a wilderness experience, both historically and in the future. Download
Hits: 1390

A Day's Journey Into the Wilderness

Ever suffer from spiritual despression -- even at times when, no matter how great you feel the power of God working in your life, you still feel as if you could rise from your bed only to eat, then lie back down again? In I Kings 19, Elijah felt that way, Download
Hits: 1198

Coming Out of the Wilderness with Power

August 30, 2009 - In just a little while God in His mercy will lead His church into the wilderness. The wilderness is not a place to be avoided, but rather a place to be understood. There is something of God in this place. God Himself will allure us there Download
Hits: 1091

The Heaven Side of Unyielding Prayer

Jesus tells us to "pray and faint not."This message brings to light the reasons why we often "faint"in prayer. We must come to the Lord with a WHOLE heart - and not TRY Him, but SERVE Him, because He is GOD. Many do not get through to God because they are Download
Hits: 1029

The Way to True Spiritual Awakening

February 20, 2007 - Only the Word of God has the power to create and recreate. Spiritual awakenening is when God speaks and He has free course in our hearts and there is no resistance to His voice. When God finds a heart that does not resist His spoken Wo Download
Hits: 1050

Your Enemies are Beginning to Tremble

June 12,2005 - The moment we rise up to begin to move in to possess the land that God has promised us. This land of course is Jesus Christ and His life within us '“ at this moment we move forward there is a report of us that goes through the realm of spir Download