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  • Sermon Count: 24
  • Total Downloads: 8966
Hits: 1172

The Anatomy of Worship

True sacrifice is only found in a worshipful heart that recognizes and acknowledges God as God, as He essentially is. Anything less than this will lead to hardness of heart and eventually to murder in one form or another. An excellent prophetic statement Download
Hits: 1090

(Worship - Part 1): He is Lord, Worship Him

This is the first of a five part series on Worship, spoken tocollege students. AW Tozer speaks on how humans attempt to worship God namely 4 ways Cain's worship, Samaritan worship, Pagan worship, and Nature worship. Then compares that to the kind of worsh Download
Hits: 1132

(Worship - Part 2): God's Great Purpose in Redemption

This is the second of five sermons on worshipping God by AW Tozer. Mr. Tozer speaks on God's great purpose in redeeming mankind. The purpose is so that we may once again worship God as we were made to do. He then gives basic guidelines to helping conditio Download
Hits: 1146

(Worship - Part 3): Worship the Lord in Glory and Meekness

This is the third of five sermons on worshipping God by AW Tozer. Mr Tozer teaches on the need for the church to worship the Lord Jesus for what he is not just a meek Jesus but the powerful Jesus of the Bible. Most of this sermon is unquoted scripture and Download
Hits: 1246

God Made Man to Worship

A. W. Tozers message, 'œGod Made Man to Worship,' is dense with information that every Christian would do well to understand. God doesnt need us, but He wants us. Though man possesses a natural desire to worship, he wishes to worship any way he feels lik Download
Hits: 1101

You Have to Love Jesus to Follow Him

October 18, 2009 - Do you love Jesus? Are you willing to break away from those familiar things that you thought would give you purpose, provision and joy? What about your old life and your friends that are not willing to follow Jesus? Are you willing to a Download
Hits: 1121

God is Worthy of Worship

What worship is, the vast difference between worship and praise... Download
Hits: 251

Lost Dimension in Christian Living

The lost dimension is worship. Normally we stand to sing, we kneel to pray, but we prostrate ourselves to worship. Praise is a prelude to true worship. Prayer is preoccupation with our needs. Praise is preoccupation with our blessings. Worship is preoccup Download