• Preachers
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(1 Peter - Part 23): The Christians Relation to Government

True to its title, this 23rd message of A. W. Tozers 34-part study on Peters first epistle explores 'The Christians Relation to Government.' The words of 1 Peter 2:13-16 testify that human government is of divine order. However, Dr. Tozer debunks a myth that the Bible endorses the primitive concept of 'divine right' rule. He explains, 'The father, as the paternal source of the family, and thus as head of the family, and naturally as protector, defender, and bread winner of the family, was the first ruler.' Human government thus developed from the idea of the family. Furthermore, Gods Truth transcends all politics and human government. The pastor concludes with the beautiful words of Hebrews 12:22-24. The message was recorded on March 7, 1954, in Chicago, Illinois, and is 29 minutes and 42 seconds in length.

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