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(1 Peter - Part 28): After Conversion, the Remainder of Your Life Should Be Different
- Total Downloads: 481
- Preacher: A.W. Tozer
- Series: Conversion
- Category: Evangelism
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'œI am not going to waste any tears on anybody who comes whimpering to me for sympathy because people think hes strange from following Christ. '¦ The moment it cant be said of a Christian, '˜Hes different, he has disgraced his testimony and sold out his faith.' A. W. Tozer explores 1 Peter 4:1-5 with ironclad logic, tempered by his distinctive spark of congenial wit. He contemplates the meaning of 'œstrange,' defines a Christian and the Christian perspective of time, and extols the virtues of a silent reply. Pastor Tozers remarkable mind is at its best in this 28th message of his 34-part series on the first epistle of Peter. 'œAfter Conversion, the Remainder of Your Life Should Be Different' was recorded on June 6, 1954, in Chicago, Illinois. Its length is 23 minutes and 55 seconds.
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