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A Few Sighs from Hell (reading)
- Total Downloads: 436
- Preacher: John Bunyan
- Series: Audio Books
- Category: Reading
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The Groans of The Damned Soul or An exposition of those words in the Sixteenth of Luke, concerning the Rich Man and the Beggar wherein is discovered the lamentable state of the damned their cries, their desires in their distresses, with the determination of God upon them, A good warning word to sinners, both old and young, to take into consideration betimes, and to seek, by faith in Jesus Christ, to avoid, lest they come into the same Place of Torment.
Also, a brief discourse touching the profitableness of the Scriptures for our instruction in the way of righteousness, according to the tendency of the parable.
Also, a brief discourse touching the profitableness of the Scriptures for our instruction in the way of righteousness, according to the tendency of the parable.