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A Stick and a One Line Sermon
- Total Downloads: 559
- Preacher: Carter Conlon
- Series: Failure
- Category: Temptation
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April 22, 2007 - This message is for those who see their calling and tried but it seemed to be of no avail. Failure and misunderstanding of God's ways has lead you into the wilderness. For those of you who feel like a dry stick and have no strength, God is about to do something marvelous. The question is DO YOU SEE YOUR CALLING? Do you see that God has put the power of the resurrected Savior in the hand of the weakest of those who are called by Christ. We do not need any strength of our own, or any plan of our own, we need an obedient heart that will trust God for the power to work in and through us.
loading 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 ...