Hits: 1382
A Vision for Missions
- Total Downloads: 490
- Preacher: Paul Washer
- Series: Missions
- Category: Mission Work
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At the time of writing there have been only 371 downloads of this message, which is a great pity considering its content. Paul Washer is giving a presentation of the work of the HeartCry Missionary Society, and his message is an encouragement to believe that God is at work in the world and His gospel is indeed the power of God unto salvation. HeartCry owes its continuity and growth since 1988, not to the great faith of men, but to the great faithfulness of God. 'œGod delights in vindicating the confidence of his children', Mr Washer asserts, and the more we cut ourselves off from the arm of the flesh, the more we will see of the arm of God. Why does HeartCry prefer to work with indigenous (locally born) missionaries? Why is theological training so vital? Why is it important to establish autonomous local churches? The answers to these and many more question are in this message. If nothing else, listen to it for the moving account of how God provided Christian books for a small church in the jungles of Peru, and believe Mr Washer when he says, 'œGod moves nations for you! Don't you just love a God like that?'. (58 minutes)