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Are You Tired Of Being God?

November 28, 2010 - Man's inherent problem is that he thought in himself that he could be God. We all have a sin nature in us that desires to make choices apart from the will of God. God gave us the law as a school master to prove to us that we can't keep it. When we try to struggle our way out of a situation we are being God in that area. When we try to defeat sin in our own strength we are being God in that area. God the Father and Jesus Christ made a covenant with each other to put an end to sin and the power it has over us. It is only when we bend our knee to God and put our faith in the finished work of the Cross the struggle stops and God can be God to us. WE don't make promises to God, He makes them to us and He keeps them. It is not about works, it is all about faith in what Christ has already done.

loading Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 15:4-8, Ephesians 2:4-6 ...