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Attributes of God (Series 1): God's Omnipresence and Immanence
- Total Downloads: 1155
- Preacher: A.W. Tozer
- Series: Attributes of God
- Category: Character Of God
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A relationship with God can only be enjoyed to the degree that we are morally compatible with Him. Only by regeneration through trust in Christ can we have any of the necessary compatibility, and then only because we are given a measure of Gods character. God is always right here, yet He seems far away because of the moral dissimilarity. If we would draw near to God, we must desire to be like Him. [i]Topics: Restoration of Moral Comparability, Yearning for God, The Holiness of Christ, The Unselfishness of Christ, The Love of Christ, Other Qualities of Christ, Likeness Is Not Justification.