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For God So Loved the World
- Total Downloads: 509
- Preacher: Carter Conlon
- Series: Love Of God
- Category: Evangelism
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March 29, 2009 - The highest form of love that God could ever express is found in Jesus Christ. There is a day coming when everyone will stand face to face with Jesus. The Bible says every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Many will look for an opportunity to be saved, only to find it is too late. That is why Hell will be so tormenting. Many who refuse Christ now will come face to face with Jesus later only to find their opportunity for has passed them by! We are living in an amazing day of grace and the greatest news you can hear is that you can reach out and touch God for yourself. The condemned, cast out and defiled can press through and touch Christ. We live on the threshold of eternity every day. Bend your knee NOW. Confess Jesus as Lord NOW! Tomorrow is not promised to us.
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