Hits: 960
The Secret of Spiritual Power
- Total Downloads: 344
- Preacher: Carter Conlon
- Series: Poverty
- Category: Finances
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August 9, 2009 - The concept of being a servant that is not highly esteemed today as we live in an age where our theology in the church at large seems to have focused on personal gain, social gain, power, influence, authority and individual greatness. The Bible says that Jesus took upon Himself the form of a servant and in doing this He teaches us that heavens order is completely reversed from the world's order. The Word of God is performed in those whom have a servant's heart. Serving Christ and then serving others unlocks power and revelation. You may feel trampled, pounded, unappreciated and passed by but as a servant you have found the secret of spiritual strength! Take heedthe last will be first and the first will be last!
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