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Unashamed of the Gospel Amidst Our Culture
- Total Downloads: 546
- Preacher: Paul Washer
- Series: Gospel
- Category: Evangelism
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Paul Washer uses examples from within his own denomination to reveal what is true of so many places that call themselves churches, with regard to (1) the ways in which Biblical and historical Christianity has been reduced to an impotent and empty creed, and (2) the effects of this reduction upon the people who are influenced by it. But whilst casting down false strongholds, he is also faithful to build up that which is true, clearly setting out what is the TRUE gospel of Christ, of which the Apostle was not ashamed. When that gospel is preached, we should be asking men, not 'œDo you know youre a sinner?' but 'œHas God so worked in your heart that the sin you once loved you now hate?' not 'œHave you made a decision?' but 'œHas God worked in your heart?' not 'œDo you want to go to heaven?' but 'Has God so worked in your heart that you now esteem him worthy above all things, and desire HIM?'. Mr Washer includes examples of some Godly conversions, which clearly bear the fruits of that miraculous and supernatural repentance and regeneration which are the work of God alone. (50 minutes).
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