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Hits: 14307


  • Sermon Count: 47
  • Total Downloads: 29745
Hits: 2005


This is a copy of Tape #354 Download
Hits: 1685

Balancing Truth With Truth

Study to show yourself approved... rightly dividing the word of truth. How should we interpret Scripture? Presents the importance of balancing apparently contradictory truths with each other to arrive at sound doctrine. Download
Hits: 1515

Lovers Of The Truth

Brother Zac upholds the value of being truthful, but also stresses the importance of loving the truth. Loving the truth will save us from many pitfalls and deceptions that we face as we go through life. Download
Hits: 1644

Introduction to Discernment

In this introduction to his series, Brother Mose shares the burden of his heart Download
Hits: 1521

The Word of God

In this exhortation to be Bereans, Brother Mose demonstrates how to use the Word of God as a tool of discernment. Christians must make Biblical judgements in order to protect the church from contamination. Download
Hits: 1587

Discerning by Fruit

Brother Mose gives a list of ways we can discern about a speaker or teacher by the fruit in their lives, their families, their doctrines, and their prophecies. Download
Hits: 1611

Discerning Spiritual Warfare

Probably the most popular subject in Christian bookstores today is spiritual warfare. The influence of these books has had tremendous impact on the church. Brother Mose brings Biblical balance to this topic. Download
Hits: 1453

Save Yourselves

This message discusses various views of the end times, and warns that many will be deceived, including Christians. Many in the audience participate in sharing biblical truths and exercises that will help us to avoid succumbing to deception. Download
Hits: 1501

Beyond Messianic Judaism

Spoken at a Messianic congregation, Art presents a view of the faith that eclipses what is labeled 'œMessianic,' namely, an apostolic faith. It is only in this faith, reality, power, credibility and witness that we can successfully reach the Jew in the L Download
Hits: 1536

Has Jesus made you Jewish?

If we miss the 'œJewishness' of Jesus, we miss something crucial in our understanding of God and our testimony to both the Jew and the Gentile. The Church has failed to communicate this 'œJewishness' and therefore the Jew yet remains alienated from God. Download
Hits: 1401

Jewish vs. Hebraic

There is a vast difference between being Jewish and being Hebraic, nor do we necessarily have to be Jewish to be Hebraic. Art describes some of the distinctive elements that define the word "Hebraic"¾a mode of being beyond ethnic identification. Download
Hits: 1731

K-024 The Reality of the Christmas Story

Brother Katz points out the caracter of God in the people that He uses to reveal "His Arm". God makes us partakers not only to His wondwrful works, but more importantly, He makes us partakers of His character. Download