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Leadership Seminar 2004

Leadership Seminar 2004
  • Sermon Count: 22
  • Total Downloads: 13981
Hits: 1386

A Declaration of the Faith

True faith brings freedom from sin. It results in Christian disciplines, which are a strenuous cultivation of a righteous life. The Holy Spirit which dwells in the heart of a believer produces holiness, and makes him separate from the world. Download
Hits: 1426

A Declaration of the Faith

Our faith is expressed in the church and in the home. This message gives an outline of the biblical pattern of church life, expressed in godly homes, a loving brotherhood, godly leaders, and outward ordinances, which are pictures of inward realities. Download
Hits: 1644

Introduction to Discernment

In this introduction to his series, Brother Mose shares the burden of his heart Download
Hits: 1521

The Word of God

In this exhortation to be Bereans, Brother Mose demonstrates how to use the Word of God as a tool of discernment. Christians must make Biblical judgements in order to protect the church from contamination. Download
Hits: 1587

Discerning by Fruit

Brother Mose gives a list of ways we can discern about a speaker or teacher by the fruit in their lives, their families, their doctrines, and their prophecies. Download
Hits: 1611

Discerning Spiritual Warfare

Probably the most popular subject in Christian bookstores today is spiritual warfare. The influence of these books has had tremendous impact on the church. Brother Mose brings Biblical balance to this topic. Download
Hits: 1245

The Leader and His Youth

Direction is given on how a father should guide and direct the young people in the home. Practical examples are given on communicating and discipling the youth in the home. Download
Hits: 1232

The Leader and His Home

Practical teaching and applications for fathers and husbands on how to raise a family for God. Topics covered include exhibiting humility, discipling our children, husband/wife communications and preparation for leadership. Download
Hits: 1612

The Leader and His Wife

Practical applications and direction for husbands on cultivating a spirit-filled marriage. Issues covered include humility, communication, moral purity, forgiveness and repentance. Download
Hits: 1496

The Leader and His Walk With God

Practical applications in God's Word on a leader's walk with God. Teachings include leading like a shepherd, walking in the light, walking in love, walking in the spirit and calling sin, sin. Download
Hits: 1331

The Leader and His Church

Practical teaching and applications about the church of Jesus Christ and each man's role as part of it. Topics covered include loving one another, relationships, church structure and authority. Download
Hits: 1587

What Does Jesus Mean to Me?

This message addresses the greatest need of the church in America today, namely, Download
Hits: 1396

Wreckers of Churches

You will be challenged in this message to consider what kind of a vessel you are allowing yourself to be used as. Either a vessel of honour to build up the church, or a vessel of dishonour to tear it down. Download
Hits: 1051

The Blood, the Call, the Promise

A very clear presentation of the Gospel. Brother David wants to leave no doubt, but that everyone under the sound of his voice gets a simple understanding of the blood of Jesus, the power of the call and the promise that is ours, as we respond. Download