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Hits: 12475


  • Sermon Count: 72
  • Total Downloads: 33756
Hits: 1530

Are You Born Again?

Starts with a stirring testimony of Gordon Hassel's conversion. Then the searching question comes, Download
Hits: 1494

Are You Born Again? Have You Repented?

Do you have the miracle working power of Jesus Christ in your life? The gospel is the power of God. Mose pinpoints the weakness of today's preaching on salvation Download
Hits: 1456

Assurance Of Salvation

A number of questions are posed from the book of I John in order to give those who are born again a full assurance of hope unto the end. This is an excellent tape for those doubting their salvation. Download
Hits: 1345

What Does It Mean To Be Born Again?

A very simple and straightforward explanation from John 3 on what it means to be born again as well as false ideas surrounding the new birth. This is a good message to give to the unsaved. Download
Hits: 1461


An anointed and crystal clear presentation of the gospel. This is an excellent message to give to the unsaved. Describes the depravity of man, the terrors of hell, the power of the Spirit, the necessity of repentance, and the gift of salvation by faith. Download
Hits: 1539

The Helmet of Salvation

The Helmet of Salvation protects our minds. It guards our ability to reason and protects us from Satan's condemnation. We don this helmet not by a cheap decision, but by a foundational change of life. We must turn to Christ alone. Download
Hits: 1433

The Power of the Blood

There is power in the blood of Jesus. If His blood has been applied to our lives, it will be evident to those around us. This message examines some of the Old Testament types of the blood of Christ, showing what it means to be covered by the blood. Download