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Hits: 21414


  • Sermon Count: 107
  • Total Downloads: 51786
Hits: 2135

Faith or Feelings?

Feelings are a by product of a faith-walk with God Faith in the facts will bring feeling in your life Download
Hits: 1517

The Shield of Faith

Faith is the firm persuasion of truth. We trust man-made bridges and airways. Why can't we trust God and His word? We have a desperate need for faith's grit and determination. A soul free of sin, fear and guilt is living proof of faith in God. Download
Hits: 1592

The Work of Faith

True faith is belief without question. Saving faith produces action. This message examines the things that faith does in an active way, and shows the work and result of faith. Download
Hits: 1675


Faith is not only something we begin and end with, it must be exercised daily. The extent of your faith will determine how much you experience the reality of eternal things. Ask yourself if your life demonstrates that you have faith in God. Download