• Preachers
Hits: 19029

God's Work

God's Work
  • Sermon Count: 86
  • Total Downloads: 39460
Hits: 1443

Outreach and God's Promises

God has a glorious work that He wants to do through each one of us. Regardless of our past, He calls us to go forth and promises His rich blessing to be with us. This message also contains a summary of Bro. Mel's last trip to Ghana, West Africa. Download
Hits: 1504

Arise and Let Us Build

Are you busy with other things while the temple of God is in ruins? God wants all of us to build His kingdom. The work isn Download
Hits: 1954

(Becoming a Prophetic Church) 1. The Necessity of the Cross

The messages by Art Katz under the general heading 'Becoming a Prophetic Church' is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. A bringing in of the factor which makes Christianity real Download
Hits: 1321

Be Ye Perfect

A revelation of the difference between the perfect and its enemy'”the humanly conceived good. This is a challenge to live by a Higher Standard, His heavenly Life, in a world and a church that applauds the merely '˜good. Download
Hits: 1328

Intimate Union

A probing study of the mystery of marriage, the Body of Christ and our relationship with God Himself. A radical message that has brought life and reconciliation to many. Download