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  • Sermon Count: 6
  • Total Downloads: 2429
Hits: 1175

(1 Peter - Part 24): Venerate All God's Creation

A philosopher searches for truth inside his own head, a scientist searches outside in nature, and neither finds the whole truth, but only shattered fragments. A. W. Tozer intimates, 'œMy friend, the wisest man in the world is the man who knows the most ab Download
Hits: 962

When the Unseen Becomes Visible

December 20, 2009 - This message is for those who know the right thing to do but find that you are powerless to do so. Its for: dishonest people who want to trust God but dont know how, selfish people that want to be generous, wounded hearts that want to Download
Hits: 1130

Born from His side, triple engagement

From the Creation account in Genesis we read how God created the heavens and the earth, the plants and all the animals. Then God said, 'œLet Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the bird Download
Hits: 1108

How to teach CREATION in schools

This audio shows how teachers in public schools can still teach creation in the classroom, and covers some laws on the books that can protect your right to teach creation. Download