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(1 Peter - Part 24): Venerate All God's Creation
- Total Downloads: 428
- Preacher: A.W. Tozer
- Series: Creation
- Category: Teaching
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A philosopher searches for truth inside his own head, a scientist searches outside in nature, and neither finds the whole truth, but only shattered fragments. A. W. Tozer intimates, 'œMy friend, the wisest man in the world is the man who knows the most about God.' Only as things are seen from the sanctuary may they truly be seen in focus. Through 1 Peter 2:17 and a loving exegesis of Psalm 104, Pastor Tozer illuminates two of 'œthe five things the Christian should do if he is to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ:' 1) Venerate all things 2) Honor all men 3) Love all Christians 4) Fear God 5) Honor the authorities. 'œVenerate All Gods Creation' is the 24th message in a 34-part study of Peters first epistle. Recorded on March 14, 1954, in Chicago, Illinois, the sermon is 40 minutes and 34 seconds in length.
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