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  • Sermon Count: 7
  • Total Downloads: 3061
Hits: 1111

When God Rests Under the Tree

April 10,2005 - The man who is getting close to God becomes increasingly aware of the depth of his failings. God looks to the man who has a broken spirit and a contrite heart, the man who knows he has no resources apart from God. The man who comes to God Download
Hits: 1123

When Liars Stand Before Gods Throne

This is an EXCELLENT message. A great challenge for all leaders, especially, but it should definitly be heard by all! This message deals with the dangers of not delivering the FULL counsel of God. Download
Hits: 1108

Judgement unto salvation or condemnation

"His delight is in the fear of the Lord." God reached out to reconcile sinful man to his holy God. How else can sinful man be reconciled to God, but through Him Who is sinless? Man gossips, slanders, gets angry, covets, hates, murders, etc. God is holy an Download