• Preachers
Hits: 4988

Youth Bible School 2004

Youth Bible School 2004
  • Sermon Count: 23
  • Total Downloads: 12301
Hits: 1348

Youth Testimonies

This recording contains the personal testimonies of a number of youth in whose hearts God worked during Youth Bible School 2004. Some of them share testimonies of conversion, while others tell of spiritual battles fought and won during the week. Download
Hits: 1271

The Christian Life According to John (Part 2)

Brother Denny covers two important aspects of the Christian life. God requires a new way of worship and communion with Him. Worship is not true worship without a surrendered, reverent heart behind it. Download
Hits: 1071

The Christian Life According to John (Part 3)

True Christianity is a life of freedom and an anointed ministry. The inflow of Christ will cause an anointed ministry to flow from your life. Freedom is a life set free from sin and self, and liberated to live for Christ. Download