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The Deep Groanings of the Righteous
- Total Downloads: 553
- Preacher: Carter Conlon
- Series: Faith
- Category: Faith
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May 20, 2007 - The moment we were saved the new nature of Christ was put within us. With this new nature of Christ came a deep inner longing and a groan that was put there by God. This inner groaning leads us into the depth of the life of Christ. We groan to become the new creation that God has intended us to be. Satan's most potent tactic against the righteous is to get us to feel that somehow we have fallen into disfavor with God in times of deep inner troubling, when in reality something more deep is going on inside of us. God by His grace will put a groaning in our heart to know Christ in His power and Truth and nothing but CHRIST will satisfy us.
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