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Church Service

Church Service
  • Sermon Count: 912
  • Total Downloads: 468841
Hits: 1565

The Value Of A Child

Denny looks at the high value that God places on children. In this age we live in do we truly believe that children are a heritage and a gift from the Lord? Deals specifically with the size of our families. Download
Hits: 1659

Balancing Truth With Truth

Study to show yourself approved... rightly dividing the word of truth. How should we interpret Scripture? Presents the importance of balancing apparently contradictory truths with each other to arrive at sound doctrine. Download
Hits: 1109

My Personal Testimony

Sue shares her testimony of how God brought her from a fashion conscious Boston lifestyle to a simpler life founded on the Scriptures. Download
Hits: 1367

Turning The Hearts Of The Fathers To The Children

The prophecy of Malachi 4:6 is the outline for turning our homes around. First the father's heart is turned to the children, then the children's hearts are turned to their fathers. Denny looks at what it means to turn our hearts to our children. Download
Hits: 1509

Assembly Life

Can we make it apart from the assembly of the saints? There may be unique cases in which God sustains us alone, He nevertheless has commanded us to assemble together. The unique blessings of assembling together physically are explored. Download
Hits: 1365

Purity In Church Fellowship

When is it right to leave a church fellowship? Can we really expect purity in church fellowship? This message examines several issues relating to when a church has gone too far and it is thus time to leave that fellowship. Download
Hits: 1464

Are You Born Again?

Starts with a stirring testimony of Gordon Hassel's conversion. Then the searching question comes, Download
Hits: 1229

The Spirit Of Law And The Spirit Of Grace

There are those who live by the principle of law and there are those who live by the principle of grace. The one is ministry of condemnation; the other is a ministry of reconciliation. Download
Hits: 1420

Assurance Of Salvation

A number of questions are posed from the book of I John in order to give those who are born again a full assurance of hope unto the end. This is an excellent tape for those doubting their salvation. Download